Various Product Editions

Leased Edition

Leased Edition Leased Editions are as its name indicates “Leased”. You don’t own the license but you simply lease rights to use it for certain period of time. You still get all features available under the license purchased. By default each license is bundled with 6 months to 1 year long license maintenance of type “Persistent Maintenance”. Beyond this duration you must renew your license maintenance using anyone of the 4 options available.

Even though you don’t own the license but you still own 100% of the data and anytime you can receive full data in meaningful electronic formats including Xls, Xlsx, csv, xml. Data includes all network marketers’ information, their genealogy relationships, their purchase transactions, bonus computations, payment and other wallet transactions etc.

All leased editions are hosted on hosting facilities arranged by us. Any leased license that is not renewed will be taken down after grace period and treated as expired. Any expired leased license can be renewed by paying for activation charges that will be computed as 20% of “Persistent Maintenance” charges for the entire period license was expired or US$ 100 whichever is higher. These charges are required so that we can upgrade your expired license with latest security/ other necessary software patches, test it and re-deploy it online.

Leased Edition requires that your primary domain used for hosting Ontogeny MLM Solution uses publicly accessible Whois information and contact details provided are verifiable. If you wish to keep your contact details private under Whois then you must purchase Perpetual Edition.

Perpetual Edition

Perpetual EditionPerpetual Editions are the “forever” licenses that you own. You may still choose to host the solution using our hosting facilities or choose to host the solution on your own servers or use any other 3rd party hosting vendor directly. You will be provided with complete deployed solution and full database used. You are not required to renew License Maintenance option with us in order to continue using the MLM solution forever. However all internet facing solutions require regular maintenance in order to keep your precious data confidential and secured. If you continue using solution on regular basis then we highly recommend using Persistent Maintenance option or higher.

Do note that there is no difference in quality of the various licenses based on different edition. Its exactly the same software, in one case you rent it for some duration and in second case you own the license.

Compare Both Editions

Buy vs Rent
Leased Edition Perpetual Edition
Basic difference Leasing a license is more like renting the software. Perpetual editions are licenses that you own for lifetime.
Licenses Available All 5 licenses Aspire, Professional, Enterprise eUnite, Enterprise eUniGrowth and Universal Vision are available. Aspire License is not available in Perpetual Edition. Remaining 4 licenses Professional, Enterprise eUnite, Enterprise eUniGrowth and Universal Vision are available.
Continuity of usage Its usage requires that you must keep paying charges to us. If you stop paying charges then the website is taken down. You are free to use the solution “forever” without paying us anything. Since solution is web based so it does require hosting it somewhere. You may use our hosting facilities or may choose to host the solution anywhere you want instead of using our facilities.
Features Coverage All features available are exactly the same. There is no difference in each editions when it comes to the features available. End-user experience level remains exactly the same in both editions.
Cost of acquiring license Cheaper than Perpetual Edition Costlier than Leased Edition
Cost of maintaining license Cheaper than Perpetual Edition Costlier than Leased Edition
What you receive You receive administrative login access to your website hosted by us You receive entire deployed software, MS Sql Server database files and necessary instructions to host the solution. If you choose to host the solution with us then additionally you receive FTP access to the website root folder.
All transaction data ownership Data ownership always remains with you. Even if your lease expires you still get full data in sensible electronic format like Xls, Xlsx, csv, XML as desired. All transaction data as well as entire Microsoft SQL Server database remains in your ownership.
Upgrade or downgrade options You may anytime upgrade to Perpetual Edition by paying for difference in prices. You cannot downgrade any Perpetual license to Leased license.
Suitable for Most organizations who have budget constraints, lack technical skills to manage a professional/ modern website or simply prefer adopting frugal approach and focus on growing core business. Big organizations who have internal technical IT team and prefer to own the software license as part of their corporate policy.
Eligibility Conditions Domain name used for hosting the MLM solution must use WHOIS informaiton that is publicly available with correct contact details that can be verified. If you wish to use Private WHOIS details then you are not authorised to purchase Leased Licenses. There is no such restriction on using private WHOIS. However if you wish to use private WHOIS for your domain then the domain name must be purchased by you or your authorised representative.